by Adopt a Pet, | January 11, 2024
Felix Chacon / Stocksy
If you have to give up your beagle, we know that it can be one of the most difficult decisions you have to make. There are several ways that you can give up your dog if you have no other choice. You will find that some of the methods are better and preferred over other options. Let’s look at the various methods of giving up your beagle, so you can find a solution that will work for you.
The animal shelter might be the first place you think of when you have to give up your beagle, but it should be your last resort. Many wonderful shelters try to ensure the dogs that come to them are adopted and cared for while they remain at the shelter. However, some shelters still have euthanasia policies because they don’t have enough space or resources for the animals that are being dropped off there.
Rescues are another option, and they are a better choice than a shelter in most cases. They will typically keep your beagle until they’re adopted. However, there is no guarantee that anyone will come along and find your beagle. Also, rescues are usually full, and they may not be able to take your beagle.
One of the best options when you have to give up your beagle is finding someone that you and your beagle already know. Maybe your uncle has been looking for a companion dog to keep them company. Maybe you have a coworker who wants to adopt a dog that’s good with their kids. Your sweet little beagle might be the perfect fit. Ask them if they would like to adopt your dog.
Naturally, they will likely have questions about the dog, which you should always answer honestly. If you have a beagle that doesn’t get along well with other pets or children, the person who adopts them needs to know. This is true whether they are being adopted by a friend or someone you talk with online.
Rehoming on your own takes longer than simply dropping the dog off at the shelter or finding someone you know to adopt. However, it can provide you with some great results when you put in the effort. The Rehome platform through Adopt-a-Pet is a fantastic option that’s easy to use.
The platform lets you create a bio for your beagle, along with information that will be pertinent to the would-be adopters. You can also add photos and videos of your beagle to show just how fun and adorable they can be. Once you put the profile on the platform, it will be seen by a large number of people, some of whom will be interested in adopting.
They will fill out applications, which you can then go through and determine who will be the best fit for your pet. This gives you more control over who gets your beagle, so you can be sure they are going to the best possible home.
Here’s why there might be fees involved in rehoming your Beagle.
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